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In this version, only one font is available. Files included with this version: SVGA256.BGI - The BGI graphics file for using SVGA grphics modes WINSDEMO.C - A demo program for using WINS2 LITT.CHR - The small font used for all the text FILE_ID.DIZ - A short description of this program MOUSE.H - An include file with mouse routines WINS.H - * THE GRAPHICS WINDOWS ENGINE * README.TXT - This instruction file S Y S T E M R E Q U I R M E N T S -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* DOS 5 or later A 80386 or better CPU 4 MB RAM A C compiler which supports BGI Graphics SVGA 640x480x256 Mouse U S E O F W I N S 2 -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- One of the best ways of learning is to look at an example, then copy it. For this reason, I have included a demonstration program called WINSDEMO.C which can be run in most any C compiler which supports BGI graphics. WINS2 can be used to do many simple jobs such as startup menus or game configuration setups. It starts getting hairy when used for complex games or art studios. -- The important commands are void newwin(number, "Title", left edge, top edge, width, height); void setobj(winnum, type, number, "Text", left edge, top edge, state); void setobj2(winnum, type, number, "Text", left, top, width, height); int world(); int state(int objnum); char *text(int objnum); newwin is used to create a new window setobj is used to create buttons, check boxes, etc. setobj2 is used for one-state objects (group-boxes) world is used to automatically handle everything until a button is pushed *-* NEWWIN *-* number - an arbitrary number used afterward to designate objects to that window "Title" - a string variable or text in quotes printed in the title bar of the window top edge - the initial location, in pixels, of the top of the window left edge - the initial location, in pixels, of the left of the window width - the width of the window in pixels height - the height of the window in pixels NOTES -- Once you have created a window with newwin(), it is there for the duration of the program. There is no way to get rid of it. In this version of WINS, none of the options specified by newwin() can be changed afterwards during the program's runtime. *-* SETOBJ & SETOBJ 2 *-* winnum - the number of the window to assign this object to type - A four-letter, all-CAPS abbreviation for the type of object to be used: PUSH > Push button \ OPTN > Option button | CHCK > Check box >- setobj() TXTB > Text box | LABL > Text caption / GRPB > Group box >- setobj2() number - The number to be assigned to the object setobj(): 0-9: Option buttons (group 1) 10-19: Option buttons (group 2) 20-29: Option buttons (group 3) 30-39: Option buttons (group 4) 40-119: All other setobj() objects setobj2(): 0-29: Group boxes "Text" - A string variable or text in "quotes" to be displayed on/with the object top edge - The distance from the top edge of the object to the top of the window left edge - the distance from the left edge of the object to the left side of the window - setobj() only - state - The state of the object: SET (pushed, checked, etc) RESET (unpushed, blank, etc) GRAY_SET (SET and grayed [unchangeable]) GRAY_RESET (RESET and grayed) With TEXT BOXES (TXTB), 'state' is the width of the text box in pixels. With TEXT CAPTIONS (LABL), 'state' is the color attribute to use for the caption (32=BLUE, 40=RED, 2=GREEN). The palette used is the standard default 256-color palette. - setobj2() only - width - the width of the object in pixels height - the height of the object in pixels NOTES -- If this is a bit confusing, study the example. That makes it easier. *-* WORLD *-* This function takes no parameters. It simply takes care of the whole environment until a button is pushed. It returns an integer of the object number of the button pushed. *-* STATE *-* This returns the state of an object (SET, RESET, etc) *-* TEXT *-* This returns the text caption of an object. Use for textboxes, to determine what is typed in them. Here's an example of these functions: int a; newwin(10,"Test Window",250,100,140,120); setobj(10,OPTN,0,"Option 1",50,40,SET); setobj(10,OPTN,1,"Option 2",50,60,RESET); setobj2(10,GRPB,0,"Options",40,20,60,40); setobj(10,PUSH,40,"Close",70,100,RESET); setobj(10,TXTB,41,"Text1",40,70,50); a=world(); // Only one button; a will always equal 40. if (state(0)==SET); // "Option 1" selected if (state(1)==SET); // "Option 2" selected if (text(41)=="Hi"); // "Hi" was typed in text box. Before beginning, use inits(x); to enter SVGA graphics mode. 0= 320x200x256 VGA 1= 640x400x256 SVGA 2= 640x480x256 SVGA 3= 800x600x256 SVGA 4= 1024x768x256 SVGA Use closegraph(); to leave graphics mode at the conclusion of your programs. To change the active, inactive colors, change the values #defined as ACTIVEC and INACTIVEC. The default is 2 (green) for ACTIVEC and 4 (dark red) as INACTIVEC. WINS2 uses color 16 for black, so you can use a setrgbpalette(0,r,g,b) to set the red, green, blue factors of the background color. Just remember to use 16 for the color of black text captions, or the caption will be the same color as the background! GOOD LUCK! W A R R A N T Y , L I C E N S E -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This product comes with no warranty, express or implied, of any sort. Use this product at your own risk. You (User) are hereby licensed to use, modify, duplicate, and distrubute this product however you (User) wish. However, once any modification takes place, the modified object is no longer part of this product (WINS2), but is a new object belonging entirely to the modifier. The modifier then assumes full responsibility for his new product. In other words, once you (User) change it, it becomes your own code. This product (WINS2) is Freeware. No registration is required. Please send questions, comments, or bug reports to: Jason Rowberg: CompuServe: 74114,1214 INTERNET: 74114.1214@compuserve.com Thank you for using this product.